Blog: Surveys

Please Share Your Wildest Case

If you are on this page, it’s because you are a friend of Miranda McCroskey at UnlockLegal and you love free publicity too.

Have you ever worked on a wild case involving a licensed professional? Miranda wants to hear about it! Whether it was a doctor, nurse, CPA, or any other professional whose legal troubles nearly cost them their career, we’d love for you to share your craziest stories for an article we are putting together with Miranda.

You are invited (along with just a handful of other lawyers) to submit your most unexpected cases using the form below. She is going to be publishing a roll-up of all the stories in a featured article on her Unlock Legal site.

Did a client face licensing consequences – or maybe they should have? If you’ve worked on a case where the legal issues went beyond just the courtroom and into licensing board investigations, we want to know!

Just fill out the form below with a quick case summary. This is also a great opportunity to showcase your expertise and help others understand the hidden impacts of legal issues on professional licenses. Once all the responses are submitted, we are going to turn them into a nice web page and publish it online.

We’ll send you an advanced link as well in case you want to link to it or share it on your favorite social channel or link to it from your own website (which would be great).

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