Blog: Surveys

Please share your prediction for the future of Personal Injury cases

If you are on this page, it’s because you are a friend of Bradley I. Kramer, M.D., Esq..

Bradley is – as you know – that rare lawyer who is also a doctor.

Bradley and I were talking last week about his Medical Malpractice cases and how he is hearing from a lot of personal injury lawyers about how their practices have been affected by Covid.

We came up with an idea to collaborate on an article that would include some predictions on how you think the field of personal injury law will change over the next 5-10 years

Because of your relationship with Bradley, we are inviting you to be featured in the article (along with just 10 other people) to share your predictions. Also, please include your story of why you love being a trial lawyer. Once all the responses are submitted, we are going to turn them into a nice web page and publish it online.

We’ll send you an advanced link as well in case you want to link to it or share it on your favorite social channel. Make sure to include your photo.



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