Blog: Surveys

Passover 2023 Survey for Photo Album

If you are on this page, it’s because you are coming to the 2nd Seder at the Ciments.

This year we are doing something interesting and unique. Everyone is invited to fill out the form below and to also upload 2 photos. One is a photo of you and another is a photo of the person you are named after. If you can’t find a photo, be creative and use your judgment. The photos are limited to 50MB in file size (this should be more than enough – so if you see an error when uploading, check the file size.)

We are going to print an album this year so we have a memorialized moment in our family history to say “Hey, here was the 2023 Seder and who was there …”

We are also going to include pages for the people that can no longer join us. So if you can also fill out the form for your family members you want to include (Jeff we leave Bobie up to you) that would be great.

At the Seder, please be prepared to chime in with something you find relevant at the Seder that can bring your ancestor (and yourself) into the conversation. The Seder experience more than any other Jewish ritual is about the Jewish family. What more of an honor can we give to the chains of tradition going through the generations than bringing them into our holy Seder experience and trying to connect ourselves to the awesome legacy they bequeathed to us.

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