LinkedIn Marketing

Get in Front of Clients and Referral Partners at Scale

Meet LinkedIn: The Holy Grail of Channel Penetration

How would you feel if you could entice more of the right kinds of decision-makers and channel partners to view your LinkedIn profile?

We can show you how to engage thousands of people per month from the market segment(s) you need to reach … every month.
Before the campaign, they didn’t even know that you exist.

Now, not only will many more people know about you, but they will become interested in you and what you can do for them.

We will collaborate with you and show you how to take this initial interest that we generate and convert it into phone calls or meetings where you can more easily showcase your products and services.

  • Instead of sending unwanted spam emails and cold calls, there is a way to get prospects to reach out to you instead.
  • We transform psychological barriers in the sales cycle into opportunities.

It’s Like Having a LinkedIn Coach on your team

Have you seen LinkedIn for a long time still scratching your head wondering why you either avoid it like the plague or you have little to show for all the efforts you have made on that channel?

If you are like most successful people who use LinkedIn, you have amassed hundreds or even thousands of connections, including many potentially valuable connections, but you have not been able to find a way to consistently leverage these connections more effectively to grow your business.

Or maybe, you are relatively new to LinkedIn and you are here because you want to learn how to best transform your connections into prospects, leads and sales.

Either way, it’s about getting the right help so you can become a LinkedIn superstar.

With our approach to LinkedIn outreach, you will get a personalized approach and guidance that fits your needs and situation.

Learn how to …

Build your profile as it should be for your specific needs
Segment for who you want to reach
Drive decision-maker traffic to your profile
Turn initial/potential interest into a meeting or a call with prospects
Engage engage engage

Remain Top of Mind On Your Connections’ Radar

You have hundreds or thousands of LinkedIn connections.

Is this where it ends with them; connect and forget?
Don’t just collect connections. Many of these people are “high-value connections”, and you have invested time and effort to find and connect with them.
You can learn how to stay top of mind on your existing connections’ proverbial radar screens by regularly communicating with and sharing value with these important connections.
We will show you how to send out ongoing short, unobtrusive, yet personalized communications;

We will teach you good habits such as “liking” their status updates and posts; and endorsing them in the areas in which they excel.

If You Get More Leads, You Get More Sales

We all know that the primary goal with LinkedIn marketing is about transforming all those relationships into targeted leads.

The life-cycle of lead generation begins with the forming of a new relationship. Over time that relationship needs to be nurtured.

As the relationship matures through numerous touch points, the pendulum of credibility, swings from “I Know You” to “I Like You” ultimately coming to rest at the point of “I Trust You and want to do business with you – or refer you to someone.”

This is what you will accomplish when you do LinkedIn marketing with the right lead generation strategies.

Almost no other marketing effort can produce a personal referral and sales network .

Here is the step-by-step program that will get you noticed, engaged and taken more seriously.

Figure out where the people you need to reach are living online.
Get in front of new prospects every day.
Transform your new connections into real connections by nurturing a long-lasting relationship with each person.
Increase your online reputation by positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry – where your name becomes synonymous with success.
Take the LinkedIn connections you already have and engage with them again and again – keeping your name top of mind – month after month.

In conclusion

You stay “top-of-mind” because people appreciate positive gestures like these. You remain ingrained in their consciousness. You will help them to remember who you are and that you specifically are who they want for that opportunity when it arises.

If you want to take your business to the next level, don’t miss the opportunity to leverage the full potential of the internet and strive for high success online.

Request a free audit today