Learn How to Give Prospects A Better Reason to Engage You

If you’ve just read the previous blog post about Packaging Your Services to grab attention, now you can learn about the 2nd ingredient of P6 – presenting your practice areas and services on your website.

The first thing you need to know about any services oriented website is that it site needs to be CLEAN AND INTUITIVE. People need to be able to very quickly know what you do and like what they see before they either worry about figuring out how good you are or worse, leave the site.

I think of this moment of encounter as a test of whether that visitor will decide to stay or leave (i.e. bounce). That decision moment happens fast –  so fast, the person does not even realize a decision is being made.

What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM)

Will your visitor stay, or bounce?  The Bounce Moment occurs in the lizard part of your brain – the instinctive part of your brain that has existed and has been evolving since the creation of man. This part of your brain NEEDS TO KNOW “what this page is offering to do for me” – what marketers call the “what’s in it for me” syndrome.

Winning The 6 Second War

When we create a commercial website for a client, one of our initial discussions concerns what we want to happen at that moment of encounter when a person first lands on any page of the website we’ve built. We think we have less than 6 seconds.

First-time visitors don’t need to know if your web page is good or bad at this point. They just need to know what the offer is that they see – and on some primal level “if it is safe to even be on this page.”

There is a lot of crossover between packaging and presenting an offer because once you have figured out what you want your clients want to hear (in regards to what services you offer), you have to find ways to get this message across in ways that it will be received.

And because of the “engagement moment” concept, you’ve got just a few seconds to sustain a connection with visitors to your website.

If you are an employment attorney, then your “engagement moment” has to convey quite simply the idea that you do employment law – and explain a little bit what that means in plain enough terms that people can quickly grasp the gist of what you do before they start the process of trusting you and digging deeper to first get to know you.

Getting back to our example, at this moment of encounter stage, your law firm website could also highlight that you represent the employers and NOT employees.

What Most People Misunderstand About “Presenting” Online

  1. Timing is critical. You can’t throw a plate of spaghetti at someone and expect them to find the one noodle that meets their needs. Your messaging needs to come in stages so that you can coax people, step by step, through your brand value ecosystem.
  2. It’s not necessarily what you say, but how you say it that matters even more.
  3. This is why images and videos are so powerful because they can transform any message into something more “presentable.”

Think of your website as a very shiny container that has to attract and keep someone’s attention in such a way that your value propositions (i.e. your services) can be conveyed before someone leaves the site.

Who are these people we have to target with our offers?

We can more formally address audience targeting by continuing with our P6 recipe and looking at the 3rd ingredient which is PEOPLE.

See the next post on engaging the right people with P6 marketing.

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