Jason Ciment’s Newsletter Traffic Edition #8

These last 7 weeks, I’ve been sharing tips on ways to both increase efficiencies in your business (by giving you tools to do things better and quicker) and to grow your digital footprint with resources for SEO, ad management and higher performance websites.

This week I am adding another “scorecard metric” to see how your business is doing not just with your digital footprint and reputation but overall.

I have been a card carrying member of ABL.org (an amazing CEO round-table for tech businesses) for almost 2 decades.

One of our members, George Bandarian, just completed the sale of his business.

What he learned during the negotiation opened his eyes to a business value enhancement system called the “Value Builder.”

George offered to share a Value Builder questionnaire which gives you a report on how you’re doing in each of the 7 areas that can lead to acquisition offers for your business that are more than twice the industry average.

It’s not as if you are selling your business or law practice today.

But what if you were?

Wouldn’t you like to get the most value out of all your hard work.

See how your company scores.

Just click the link above.

Just as an FYI, if your Value Builder Score is more than 80, you are likely to sell your business for 71% more than the average-scoring business.

Here are 2 new tools this week:

Download YouTube videos with this Firefox (or Chrome) plugin I use all the time. Speed videos up or scan thru them without streaming delays. I almost never stream video courses. I download them and speed up the playback by 30%. That’s how I studied for the CPA and bar exams and watched an episode of Magnum PI every day.

Have you tried text messaging for your business?

See this post on 10 reasons to start text marketing. There’s a link to a service you might like. One of the people that reads this news alert wrote me back about his service.

Big Gift Announcement from my old neighbor Marci who shares my birthday. Here’s a super kitchen gift you can buy before anyone else has ever seen them. I saw these 2 years ago when they were in the design phase. If you have kids or nieces or nephews, you will go crazy for Q.D. Foodie Kitchen Tools, a super fun and inclusive kitchen tool collection. Q.D. Foodie utensils look like real fruits and vegetables and inspire kids (and grownups!) to cook, be creative and eat healthier, while making lasting memories. Click the link to see her kick-starter campaign.

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