Blog: Case Studies

10 Studies of SEO Results from 2019 to 2020

Results speak louder than words they say.

Here is a series of screenshots from Google Analytics for 10 different clients.

See the awesome traffic impact we produced just from increasing their organic rankings profile in Google.


Case Study YSLC
Category: Healthcare
Results Review: Traffic increased 113%. We added more content which enabled us to include more long-tail keywords.


Case Study SIL
Category: Law Firm in Personal Injury space
Results Review: Traffic increased 107%. These numbers are even more impressive because the personal injury space is one of the most competitive arenas within the practice of law (in terms of getting targeted rankings). The source of much of the rankings (and traffic) growth came from our unique brand of SEO correlation analysis. We don’t publish any articles on this process because quite honestly this is the kind of information our clients want us to keep close to the vest.


Case Study TN
Category: Professional Services
Results Review: Traffic increased 248%. This client has a hyper-targeted audience with very low volume of search terms. If we are able to get him ranked though with the right terms, people click over to the website. In addition to our normal SEO routine, we also converted PDF files into HTML files which got more phrases into Google’s search algorithm.


Case Study SJH
Category: Regional Law Firm
Results Review: Traffic increased 371%. This client runs a law practice in the very competitive arena of criminal defense. What makes these numbers even more impressive is that Covid put a big dent on criminal cases. Courts were closed or at half-mast for months. The threat of bail has diminished due to regulatory changes. And yet, we practically quadrupled traffic.


Case Study CPF
Category: Alternative Investing
Results Review: Traffic increased 117%. This is another example of a very hyper-focused market where the goal is not search volume (because it is low) but rather reputational placement of specific keywords. This client has top rankings for most of the keywords relevant to its business. Now our focus is on tangential phrases to drive more awareness.


Case Study BL
Category: State-Focused Law Firm
Results Review: Traffic increased 95%. This client runs a law practice which can represent clients anywhere in California. What makes this project challenging is the fact that most prospective clients have bad cases. This means we have to work extra hard to pinpoint the keyword phrases that are most relevant.


Case Study APC
Category: Industrial Manufacturer
Results Review: Traffic increased 301%. This client waited 7 years to work with us due to us saying we could not work with them and a competitor at the same time. When the competitor retired, we completely redid their website during 2020 and Google simply loves their new re-engineered website (maybe even as much as they do).


Case Study CAA
Category: Appellate Law Firm
Results Review: Traffic increased 135%. This area of law is very much about one’s reputation. People are not running to Google to look that much for an appellate attorney. And yet, when they do look, and they find a compelling website, they call. It makes sense. Having a highly ranked website is like the Good Housekeeping seal of approval.


Case Study GT
Category: Ecommerce Store
Results Review: Traffic increased 205%. This client is getting hundreds of thousands of visitors just from Google and Bing because of highly ranked content we create such as buyer guides, how-to videos, and extensive product descriptions. Our origins in ecommerce SEO go back now over 24 years. It’s really difficult stuff and yet so rewarding.


Case Study DG
Category: Medical Practice
Results Review: Traffic increased 13%. So maybe you are asking why are we including this small gain in our winner’s circle. The reason is that if a company promises to double your traffic, don’t listen to them. We’ve been working with this medical practice for years. Double GOOD traffic that converts is not the right goal. Increasing MEANINGFUL traffic that converts is the goal. Good traffic is like an asymptotic curve. It gets harder and harder to increase the right traffic if you keep doing things right year after year. So we included this client because even after many years, we are still increasing rankings that matter.


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